Use "ultrastructure|ultrastructures" in a sentence

1. Ultrastructure of Blood vessels

2. Key words: microsporogenesis, Liriodendron tulipifera, postmeiotic cytokinesis, sulcus determination, ultrastructure.

3. (2) Ultrastructure of Basidiospore s and mycelium of Lenzites saepiaria.

4. Viscum minimum, adhesive disk, adhesive epithelium, cuticle ultrastructure, cutin cystolith, haustorium, secretion.

5. Centrioles have a complex ultrastructure with ninefold symmetry and a well-defined length

6. Fig .1、2 The ultrastructure of leaf cells of black wattle at 20℃.

7. The ultrastructure of these experimental tumours was, in spite of a marked anaplasia, essentially similar to the ultrastructure of human neurinomas; thus these tumours can be regarded as equivalent to human neurinomas.

8. The ultrastructure of the Areolae in the porcine placenta is described

9. Biology and ultrastructure of the mycophagous, soil testate amoeba Phryganella Acropodia (Rhizopoda, Protozoa)

10. The ultrastructure of the Areolae in the porcine placenta is described

11. We studied the ultrastructure of epididymal spermatozoa viviparous skinks, Mabuya multifasciata and Sphenomorphus indicus.

12. Ultrastructure of mantle cells in Hyriopsis cumingii Lea was observed with transmission electron microscope.

13. 11 Ultrastructures of adrenal gland and thyroid gland cells was observed after administeration of overdosage of mifepristone (RU4 with TEM in rats.

14. Ultrastructure of Biflagellate spermatozoa in the freshwater clam, Corbicula leana (Prime) Invertebrate Reproduction & Development: Vol

15. Reference: Effects of Tamiflu and Adamine on histology and ultrastructure of the liver of albino mice

16. Ultrastructure of Bacterized and axenic trophozoites of Entamoeba histolytica with particular reference to helical bodies

17. The increase in volume resulting from water absorption did not modify the ultrastructure of the envelopes.

18. The ultrastructure of mitotic nuclei of Physarum polycephalum was investigated by freeze-etching and sectioning techniques.

19. Objective:To observe the sperm ultrastructure in epididymis after vasectomy and their changes in semen after vasovasostomy.

20. 6 The growth ridges, including hirsute ridge, main ridge, fine surface ridge and radius ridge, are main ultrastructures on the outer surface of the shell plates.

21. The ultrastructure of the mucous Areolae in placentae from 18th to 113th day post coitum was investigated.

22. His studies focused on the morphology and ultrastructure of the musculature, integument, alimentary tract, sensory cells, and gills.

23. 7 Objective To study the mutability of ultra sodium pyrosulfite intake on ultrastructure changes and spermatogonium mice testis.

24. Our studies on oocytes ultrastructure, in which experimental materials came from Wapiti , was just one of the blanks.

25. The ultrastructure of the eggshell of fertilized egg and unfertilized egg of Alligator sinensis was studied by scanning electron microscopy.

26. Electron microscopy of Bacterized and axenic trophozoites of Entamoeba histolytica showed only slight differences in ultrastructure between the two

27. 16 METHODS: Nephrotoxic serum nephritis model of rat was created by Clarkes method, and changes in ultrastructure of kidney were examined.

28. The leaf microstructure and chloroplast ultrastructure of grapes cultivated with pergola in greenhouse developed normally, and Its were exceptional cultivated with vertical trellis system.

29.  · The ultrastructure of the salivary gland cell of active Pila globosa, a gastropod, is studied and compared with that of Aestivated snails

30. Nucleolar ultrastructure in Astasia longa (Jahn) was examined in normal cells as well as in cells treated with actinomycin D or subjected to low temperature.

31. Spermiogenesis and Biflagellate spermatozoon of the teleost fish Lampanyctus crocodilus (Myctophiformes, Myctophidae): ultrastructure and characterisation of its sperm basic nuclear proteins

32. The ultrastructure of the X organ sinus gland complex in sexually immature Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis was examined under the electron microscope.

33. The ultrastructure ofPlanctomyces bekefii, a budding and Appendaged bacterium, has been examined using samples obtained directly from pond water, its natural habitat

34. Our knowledge of its ultrastructure and function is the result of more than fifty years of research that has dramatically changed our perspectives on the primary Cilium.

35. The composition and ultrastructure of spore walls of Agaricus bisporus and Agaricus campestris were compared by chemical and enzymatic assays and electron microscopy.

36. Ultrastructure of cerebral tissue, lactate content in venous return blood, ATP content in cerebral tissue and activity of nitric oxide synthetase (NOS) in cerebral cells were measured.

37. The morphology and ultrastructure of the shells of two Balanid species have been examined, paying special attention to the three types of boundaries between plates: …

38. Because the ant con-sumes the whole tissue, it is of interest to examine the ultrastructure of the various cell types which comprise a Beltian body

39. 18 Objective:To study the changes of TNF content in serum and brain morphosis and ultrastructure in rats with focal cerebral ischemia reperfusion injury treated with Aspirin.

40. Ultrastructure of cerebral tissue, lactate content in venous return blood( ), ATP content in cerebral tissue and activity of nitric oxide synthetase (NOS) in cerebral cells were measured.

41. The morphology and ultrastructure of the shells of two Balanid species have been examined, paying special attention to the three types of boundaries between plates: (i) radii-parietes, (ii) alae

42. The ultrastructure of the term amnion of women with normal pregnancy was examined with special reference to the problem of transamniotic passage of materials and the role of microfilamentous and microtubular structures.

43. The ultrastructure of storage material in a rectal biopsy taken from a patient with juvenile amaurotic idiocy with protracted course (onset of illness: 14 years; age of patient: 52 years) is described.

44. Research in ecology, forestry, horticulture, plant pathology, rhizobial microbiology, anatomy and ultrastructure—and specific aspects of biochemistry, plant nutrition and genetics—are reviewed to indicate the range of botanical disciplines which can profit from access to a phytotron.

45.  · The nuclear ultrastructure of 15 Angiospermal plants was studied with respect to the structural type, the proportion of condensed chromatin, the diameter of the chromatin fibers, and the DNA content

46. The aim of this study was to investigate the development and anatomy of their Androecia and the ultrastructure, histochemistry and secretory process of their androecium resin glands, examining whether the cellular aspects of resin secretion differed between these two

47. ‘Escudier and coworkers studied the Ciliary ultrastructure of 40 patients who had respiratory tract infections.’ ‘These spines contain epidermal cells and Ciliary sensory cells.’ ‘Cigarette smoking is known to affect Ciliary action in the nasopharynx and respiratory tract.’

48. The morphology and ultrastructure of the shells of two Balanid species have been examined, paying special attention to the three types of boundaries between plates: (i) radii-parietes, (ii) alae-sheaths, and (iii) parietes-basal plate

49. For this reason, acoustic methods have been developed to measure the velocity of sound propagation directly related to the stiffness of wood and in turn is dependent on the ultrastructure of the tracheid cell wall.

50. The aim of this study was to investigate the development and anatomy of their Androecia and the ultrastructure, histochemistry and secretory process of their androecium resin glands, examining whether the cellular aspects of resin secretion differed between these two

51. On the basis of the tentacular armature, surface ultrastructure, and morphological measurements of plerocerci obtained from the musculature of Butterfishes (Stromateidae), we corroborate an earlier proposal that Otobothrium crenacolle, a commonly reported trypanorhynch cestode from the northwestern Atlantic coast, is a junior synonym of O

52. Each of them shows peculiarities: The first one, clinically and histopathologically a typical case of lattice dystrophy, shows in his ultrastructure not only the characteristic aggregations of filaments (amyloid) within the corneal stroma, but also vacuoles which resemble closely the vacuoles described in macular corneal dystrophy.

53. This difference in ultrastructure develops in a biphasic manner during acclimation to cold: an initial appearance (1–12 h) of the parallel arrangement, associated with a transient increase in size, is no longer apparent at 1–3 days and reappears only after 7–14 days.

54. On the basis of the tentacular armature, surface ultrastructure, and morphological measurements of plerocerci obtained from the musculature of Butterfishes (Stromateidae), we corroborate an earlier proposal that Otobothrium crenacolle, a commonly reported trypanorhynch cestode from the northwestern Atlantic coast, is a junior synonym of O

55. Amyloid proteins, mainly including amyloid-β peptides, prion proteins, α-synuclein, copper/zinc superoxide dismutase, as well as the bacterial protein RepA, are characterized by the deposition in a variety of tissues or cells as aggregated species (Amyloids or insoluble deposits or inclusions) that share a distinctive β-sheet-rich fibrillar ultrastructure.

56. In flowers of Nymphaea and Victoria, Carpellary appendages are regarded as structures related to pollination by deceit of night-blooming species.In this study, the anatomy, histochemistry and ultrastructure of Carpellary appendages were analysed to investigate their possible role in the production of volatile compounds in nocturnal species Nymphaea amazonum, N

57. Amyloid proteins, mainly including Amyloid-β peptides, prion proteins, α-synuclein, copper/zinc superoxide dismutase, as well as the bacterial protein RepA, are characterized by the deposition in a variety of tissues or cells as aggregated species (Amyloids or insoluble deposits or inclusions) that share a distinctive β-sheet-rich fibrillar ultrastructure.